Les Accords Nouveaux II

From: Pierre Ballard, "Tabulature de differents auteurs sur les accords nouveaux",
1631 and 1638


French music from the early 17th century for 10-course and 11-course Lute
First recording in transitional tunings of the Suites of Mezangeau, Dufaut, Bouvier, Dubuisson, Chevalier.

The new tunings – the so called Accords Nouveaux made it possible to explore other tonal effects and playing techniques.

At the beginning of the 17th century, a stylistic change which was to have far-reaching consequences can be observed in the repertoire of the French lute music. The festive ballet music of the French court was the most important model in this process. Although the printed works of the Parisian publisher Pierre Ballard in 1631 consisted to a great degree of individual dances series which could be grouped as desired into larger sequences thanks to their generally common key, there were already individual cycles in the printed works of 1638. They are often held together by a prelude which is metrically free in design.
The transcription of these court dances on the lute led to a compositional stylization which transformed their character. Instead of dance music, it was now music with highest compositional and esthetics standards. The experiments with new tunings coincided with this.

Ambitus 97911

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